What Happens If The Hoodrats Turn On These Simps

Black men’s main preference is black women but that is a discussion I’ll talk about some other time.

When you have a guy like this coming after black men, you start to think that this man has father issues. Most of the simps have been raised in a single parent household and it’s mostly a single mother household. But you guys will say that “There are some men who were raised in a single mother household turned out to be okay when they get older.” That is true but most of them are simp dudes. But I hope everyone is doing well. I know you guys been hearing what’s going down in Israel. Madness!

Christ almighty!

Right ladies and also gentlemen. We all know that these simps are coming after black men and nobody else. You have the current simp Angry Biracial on YouTube coming after black men with that bitterness, we had Bareback Fountain who was coming guys like Mad Bus Driver X, Quincy 82, Babatune Umanah, he was coming after me as well. We also had this simp dude known as Woke Poofgressive who was coming after black men who are with non black women. Yes, the one who came out as a homosexual. That’s why I called him Woke Poofgressive.

Everyone knows why these simps are coming after black men because they wanna please the ghetto ratchet scraggles. When black men who are SYSBM, MGTOW and IBMOR retaliate with logic when the ratchet black women attack them, they will struggle to defend themselves when black men are giving it to them. And that’s when the simps come after black men just to defend their scraggle daggles honour.

You boys in the hood and the also the girls must be saying “What happens if the scraggle daggles turn on these simps?” Yeah, I thought of that people. What happens if these scraggly harridans turn on them? You see if these ghetto ratchet scraggle daggles turn on them, the simps will feel heartbroken, sad, embarrassed, upset, shame and humiliated because these scargglies have betrayed them as they don’t like it when a man licks up to them. They don’t even care about these simps, let alone love them.

These simps should know that the scraggle daggles don’t care about them. They don’t even like them at all. They want the worthless type of dudes like Machete Man Briggy, Rum Head Frasier, 50. Calibre Gilly, Long Dick 44, Corner Boy Ronney, Last Long Palmer and Fuck All Night Freed. The ratchet black women don’t want these simps as they don’t tickle their taste buds. They don’t give them the thrill, enjoyment and the excitement like these thuggy dudes give these women.

These simps have declared war with black men because some black men are with non black women or they have got their passport and jet it the hell out of here because black men do not want to deal with the ratchet black women. As they simps keeps coming after black men for whatever reason, these ghetto ratchet scraggle daggles are prepared to turn on these simps as they look at them as feminised men who are nothing but lame. I have seen plenty simps that come after black men and I have plenty simps that has disappeared into the dust.

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When the scraggle daggles turn on them, it’s absolutely devastating for them.


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