Black Men Don’t Want These Type Of Black Women

You know when you are so tired, you have to rest your body just to get bacl your energy. However, when you see something that will upset you to the core, the tiredness is gone in a instant because your so worked up! Oh, I know. But I hope everyone is doing well. There is goanna be no trains on Saturday beacsue of some strike. And you guys must be saying “Strike again!?” Yeap, again. These train drivers are getting £61,000 a year plus £20,000 over time.

The Simps Vs The Passport bros!

This battle seems like it’s never goanna end. But anyhow!

Alright, you know when the ghetto ratchet scraggle daggles say that “Black men are not dating black women no more. They are dating white women, Asian women, Latin women” and so on. Right, there are black men who are with white women, Asian women and Latinas. Yes, there are black men who are with other races of honeys, you get me? And there are black women who are ratchet are complaining that black men are with these non-black women.

And also, there are some black women says that “Where are the good black men at?” Let me give you this answer. Black men do want black women but the thing is that black men don’t want a ratchet black woman like these ghetto ratchet scragglies who are causing dysfunction. And when black men see this dysfuction from the ratchets, they are like “Fuck this, I’m off!” And they go off and date non-black women or they get their passports and jet off!

In Britain, I heard that 60 per cent of black men are with non-black women. The last time I checked it was 55 per cent. It’s high because that black men have seen the ratchetness of black women for a very long time. So, it was like they have no choice but to go elsewhere to find a relationship with other races of women or they go overseas to look for a honey to be with. And I know that black men are checking out and becoming passport brothers because that there are no decent women in the West. Well some decent ones. But then the passport brothers movement is more of an American thing.

Not only the ghetto ratchet scraggle daggles are complaining, these simps who are siding with these hoodrats are coming after black men who are passport brothers and SYSBM. But they are doing that just to get some coochie from these scraggles. But these harridans prefer Weed Man Jake, Rapid Fire Rasta, Des The Drunk, Rum Smuggler Don, Last Long Palmer and Fuck All Night Freed instead of these simps that worships them. These scraggle daggles will not open their legs to the simps.

Most of the time black men prefer black women. Everyone knows that 80 per cent of black men are with black women but when it comes to the scraggle daggles, they will not get chosen because of their ways. And which man wants a ratchet woman? If these scraggs keep on acting ratchet, then no man will ever want to date them, be in a relationship with them or even marrying them.

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These type of black women black men don’t want


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