The Scraggle Daggle Love Black Men Behind The Scenes

You know, when black women says that they have a huge hatred towards black men, they despise them, have a huge distain at black men and all that, let me ask you something. Do you really believe what they say when it comes to these podcasts when black women talk down on black men? I know that black men talk about these scraggle daggles on these live streams because these ratchet black women are nothing but angry and bitter but does anyone believe what these ghetto harlots say? But I hope everyone is doing well. Hope everyone is cooling down from the hot weather, you get me because it’s hot out there. Drink a whole leap of water, people!

The browning is so right!

Behind the scenes ladies and gentlemen, this is how black women act when it comes to black men. They are doing that Helga Pataki shrine from the classic cartoon series Hey Arnold! They are going into their closet and they have a damn shrine of a black man made in clay or bubble gum what Helga uses to make Arnold. When they are on the camera talking to other black women on these podcasts, they are saying “Black man ain’t shit, they are lazy, they are worthless, they don’t look after their children, they have a tone of kids” and so on. But off camera, they are like “Oh black man, SYSBM, passport bro! I need you. I need you in my life. All I wanna tell you that I love you and I want you to tolerate my fuckrey” and so on.

As these ghetto scraggle daggles are worshipping their shrine of the black men, these ebony men are walking away from black men because of the dysfunctional behaviour of the ratchet black women and being with other women from other races or they are getting their passports and take the fastest jet and head overseas to look for women and wifey them. Black men are not dealing with the scraggle daggle behaviour of the ratchet black women. They are really getting tired of the ratchetness they are displaying.

Even when they are with the beta male like Nick Fuentes, they know that the beta male is no match with the black man. They know that he’s just a racist fart who refuse do anything. The beta male has homosexual characteristics of being obsessed with the black man’s sausage. Look, I know that the beta male has a sick obsessed with the rod of the black man. And also, when the black woman sees that the below average white guy has an desire of the black man’s long John, she’s goanna think that this guy is homosexual.

This is what they say when the camera is off!

As black men who are with non-black women or they are marrying women overseas, the ratchet black women are stuck with the simps that are living off these women while coming after black men who doesn’t wanna be with these scragglies that they worship more then the most high God! But these ghetto ratchet scraggle daggles don’t want to be with these simps. They love the worthless man like Knife Man Preist, Street Mice, Corner Boy Ronney, Colt Five Rounds, 50 Calibre Gilly, Long Cocky George and Fuck All Night Freed.

These scraggle daggles are doing a Helga Pataki behind the scenes after when they talk down on black men. Black men are leaving these harridans to the dust because of their ratchet behaviours. When a black woman says that black men ain’t shit, they are good for nothing, the woman is truly lying. I don’t think anyone will believe her. The ghetto ratchet black woman will say what she will say when she’s on her podcast but behind closed doors, it’s a whole different thing. Imagine someone had made a shrine of me!

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The scraggle daggles are in the closets with the shrine of the black man they hate, they are in their cars crying, they want black men!


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