Tasting Humble Pie

I bet you she got humble pie as well!

Ladies and gentlemen, I have no issues of any man taking a woman out for dinner. I have no problems with that. I have no issues of any woman taking a man out and pay for the dinner. That has happened to me before. But in this case with this lady, it’s nothing but self-entitlement. But I hope everyone is doing well. You know, I don’t know where this self-entitlement is coming from. I’m from Brent, North West London. There’s no entitlement in the North West. I haven’t seen it. What the flip sake is going on here?

Not showing hate towards this woman like the other people are showing hate and attacking her on social media but errr — things that make you go hmmmm!

Hey, the Asian brother humbled her big time! The woman got humble pie to eat for dinner and it wasn’t in no restaurant. And you boys in the hood and girls too must be thinking “Yo, Money Cultural. What do you mean by humble pie, blud!? What is that blud!?” Humble pie means that you admit that you are wrong and you force into submission, apology or retraction. And also, this has been used in football with the term “eat humble pie” is when your defeated. For instance, a derby game and your team loses against your arch enemies like how Manchester United lost three nil against Manchester City at Old Trafford yesterday. So, I know that Man United has finished munching humble pie that was served cold.

When you want to get to know someone when you are dating them, the food doesn’t matter. You just want to get to know that person, you get me? But in this case, everyone is looking at this damn self-entitlement thing like that women who got token back home because she’s didn’t wanna go to the Cheesecake factory. When I heard about the Cheesecake Factory, I was like “Cheesecake Factory? What do they mean by that? Is it a factory that they make cheese there?” Not being a dickhead, guys!

The Asian guy who took her out. He feels that he was disrespected by her not only by her taking a hour to get ready but also showing that disrespectful behaviour towards the fella. When it comes to non-black men, they will not tolerate any kind of disrespect to any woman espcailly black women. But when it comes to black men, they allow this bad attitude and behaviour but because you because they were raised to follow what the queen says and most black men are goanna take it. Some black men won’t and just leave her be and go find a next woman to date. You see, most black men are simps. They always follow the queen and never lead her.

I heard that the Cheesecake Factory, there’s no one dollar menu in there. I’ve seen the food there on YouTube and I was thinking “Bomba claat! How much them food cost in Cheesecake Factory? They look tasty but how much the food cost to munch?” I looked at the Cheesecakes and let me tell you something. They don’t look like one dollar desert. I don’t know about the Cheesecake Factory because we don’t have that in Britain. But, I don’t go restaurant much because most of the time. I buy KFC when I’m going out. I Love KFC!

The self-entitlement from women will disappear if black men stop simping. We have more and more simps out here in these streets and they are not using their heads when it comes to women and most of the women they choose, they’re not wife martial. If a man takes a woman out to a restaurant and she doesn’t like the place he’s taking and she wants to go elsewhere because the food cost more there, then it really goes to show what type of women she is.

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The only time you send a bit more money when you take a woman out for dinner is when you going out with your wife.


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